
In defense of the trabeculectomy


Ryan Machiele

Makena Parker

Leon W. Herndon Jr.

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The trabeculectomy has long been the gold-standard treatment for lowering intraocular pressure. In the 21st century, it has decreased in popularity despite inconsistent evidence in favor of surgical alternatives. We reviewed the current literature on the important place of the trabeculectomy in the current treatment paradigm and examined evidence for other surgeries in defense of the long-standing treatment of choice. We conclude that while complications of the trabeculectomy can be substantial, its foundation of high-quality evidence combined with continued refinements make it a viable treatment option for refractory glaucoma.

New Concepts in Glaucoma Surgery Series: Volume 1, pp. 67-70 #4
Edited by: John R. Samples and Iqbal Ike K. Ahmed
© Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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